Holiday closure – a time to reflect, review and celebrate

Dear music lovers and supportive families,

Thank you for all your trust and commitment with Agape music therapy, although the pandemic changes our lifestyle and brings inconvenience and new challenges to our lives, I am so proud of you all who choose to continue our therapeutic journey.

There is time for everything, as a caregiver I am constantly learning how to care for myself and others with compassion, and now it’s the season for me to take a break and hope that this is also a space for us to reflect and plan for future.

The studio will close from the 16th of November until the 1st of January 2023. If you are a NDIS client, please book your annual review session from the 2nd to 6th of January 2023 via this link below:

We will fully return to our regular opening hours the week starting Monday 12th January 2023.

Wish you all a safe and prosperous Christmas season and New Year and look forward to assisting you in 2023.